Saturday, July 12, 2008


Whats this about me being inflexible? Whats this about me not helping "in the right times"?
Me being called "inflexible" is like getting hit by basketball 1284626598312 times everywhere on my body at a velocity of 326484km/s         { I got hit on head by basketball twice today}         Me insisting on practicing presenting is, i would say, pragmatic, cox it concerns our score, and don't you feel extremely good when you have done your best, and not regretting because of all the hard work you've put in?

Being right = Sticking to my principals = Disliked by ppl. This is "inevitable"?
Being wrong = Throw away my principals = Liked by ppl? BULLSHIT.

I help by not helping much. Helping people too much will make them rely, depend on you. 
If I don't help, I will be resented. But put in effort and life will eventually reward.
Being helpful is really a two-handed sword. I hate to throw my values into the sea. 
Hope life is throwing a lesson towards these people and hope they learn. If not, the universe would nudge them with a sledgehammer.

Having character is standing by to your values, good ones though. Is that wrong?
But so what if I'm right? What's done cannot be undone. Warnings from life include: "I don't know how to do" "I don't understand" These warnings were detected and I put in EFFORT into it. I hate the rat which used the bull the get first in the zodiac race. Stop taking shortcuts, cox theres no shortcut in life. I sense spinning red EMERGENCY lights on the subjects called ITR and FMM. But I chose to ignore them. Please send a sledgehammer to smash my head awake, please..

To some people I'm inflexible. To me I'm standing by my principals. How many people nowadays stand by their principals? How many have principals to start with? Don't you have any respect for your own life? Depending on others = Letting others run your life. If this sounds great to you, so be it, but I shall not be the "others", unless i'm able and willing to do so.

I need to learn how to improve on PR..  Haii.. Seriously.. Mediacorp's lesson for me has NO CLUE to me. They were... talking behind my back. Cant you let a mere 16 year old then know what is wrong and tell him STRAIGHT IN THE FACE?? How many people have courage to tell the bad stuff about their friends RIGHT IN THEIR FACE?? Not many. Those that do so are definitely my best friends, my true friends. Because they are your mirror who tells you what you can do to improve in all aspects of life. People who say things to let you improve in your face, may piss you off, but as you think with your grey matter, you will know that this person who piss you off is seriously for your own good.. Haii.. double sided sword in my double sided mind + concussion is making me crazy!

" Friends come and go. Enemies accumulate. " This was a quote I found in the net a few years ago. How I hope it would be the opposite in my life. 

I don't want to learn how to "handle" people. Because they are not objects.
I want to learn how to accept them for who they are. Because they are my friends.
I seriously feel lonely at times. People laughing and talking all around me. I'm just like an object that is as redundant as another water droplet in the deep, blue sea. 

I don't know why. Sometimes when I know or think I'm being used. And sometimes I even enjoy being used. Am I sick or what. Maybe its me feeling "Its better to have a person around than staring at blank space alone."

" You are so alone, but you are not alone. And yet you are so, so alone." Sounds ironic, its not. Think with the stuff between your ears!

Masks are what people wear all day long. How many people do not wear masks. Those who don't put on masks will soon learn that it will hurt without the masks and will put the masks back on. As each human has his/her own AT field, this AT field is like mask(s) that people put. To impress, to race with the other rats, to find a partner, to make friends and make use of them.--> Usage of friends will get you nowhere. And nobody uses friends, people uses objects. So you are treating these human beings like pawns on a chessboard, ready to be sacrificed when you need a big move.

We are vertebrates. We have backbone. We have our own principals, values and beliefs. If you don't have them or throw them into the sea, you're not fit to be human. Because we have backbone. 做人要有骨气!这是原则问题。帮了你等于害了你。我不能忍心去做背着良心的事情。没良心的人才会这么做。

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