Today went for the F1 training at 12.30pm, reached at like 11.45am, can't go in yet so I waited for Alvin at the bus stop and looked for Leanne afterwards.. We then went in and waited outside the HR office. Then this woman called ShuShu, a muslim as she said, but dunno wad race, told [actually shout is the right word.. xp] us to keep quiet and we proceeded to Millenia 3, one of the meeting rooms.. Had a boring lecture, then she had us ask questions if any cox she said that " No question is stupid." At first it sounded alright.. But if you change the tone of speaking it a little, the whole meaning changes!
Like "No. Question. Is. Stupid." Means no question is stupid la...
Then another one is "No question. Is. Stupid." Which sounds more like if you don't have any questions, it is stupid... Well, its just my opinion and this results from days of working... D:
Anyways, some questions are seriously common sense.. Like this one: "What do we do when we're tipped?"
Well, since it isn't stupid, I can't use stupid the word.. But all I wanna say is " KEEP LA!" Well, unless you wanna share your tips, everyone would gladly want to have a share..
After that, Amos took over.. Joker ar him.. Say alot of stuff that can actually be learnt by just working a few days in banquet and yadda yadda... Then had a mini buffet thingy, which is actually spring rolls and some thing which I don't know its name, and coffee and selection tea.. Got kamomile and ate quite a few servings as I did not had lunch.. After which, we were shown a demo by Amos himself what to do what not to do etc..
Then went to check our faces with our IC number, supposedly for the staff passes during the F1 period, and I rushed off to change and have dinner, saw Chi Lung and friends there.. Dinner was simple, some veg and egg and rice as I had not much time till 1730 hours..
Saw Sinyi and her bunned up hair.. haha, all the girls look so different after bunning up their hair lols..
Went down and saw Yumi, she told me my event tomorrow at 8am is cancelled, so I do not have to report for work.. I was like mouth agape.. Cox potential money to be earned gone.. T.T
So went for the briefing in a sian mood... Then when checking namelist to see which group I belong to, read the 1st column and there's no my name! YES IM NOT A LEADER... Heng.. Cox I 1st time since 4 months come back do Chinese Dinner set.. Checked the other columns and then thought to myself: "Eh, how come my name not up there? D:" Checked with John and he put me under Tun Lynn.. Haha, heng.. Tun Lynn very reliable one.. He damn steady.. And Xian Shi in my group also... Found out our group has 4 vegetarians on one of the table, so Tun Lynn's agenda was to for him and me go pickup the normal food, and Xian Shi take care of vegetarians all the way..
After about 45 min after the ballroom doors opened, my 4 tables were barely 50% filled.. Somemore they are situated almost beside the VIP tables, which should make them close relatives of the families... But in the end, only about 75% of the seats that we're in charge of were filled.. I went for the "fanfare", which is the um, walk-in of the 1st dish.. When the doors were opened, the whole ballroom was dark except for the light lighting up the red carpet we're walking on...
The food tonight was quite typical though, save for the soup, which is fish maw and chicken in superior soup or something like that.. Most guests did not touch it, for reasons which I do not know of..
But one which stood out [in my opinion] is the one which has chicken, mushroom, veggies and sea cucumber in some heavy sauce.. But smells heavenly.. Fish on the other hand, smells heavenly to me as I love fish! xDD
Then there was stoppage of service, which in that period a photo slideshow of the morning's events were shown on two big screens.. The photographs were very well taken, expected from a professional photographer ma... Then there was the editing of the photos.. The Kens Burns Effect if I remember correctly, was very well utilised [cox professional ma..] Seriously nice photos...
Was telling Xian SHi we can'y clap even though its rather um..touching? xD
Then when they popped the champagne, I don't know why, maybe my reflexes? Both my hands swung up and clapped once before my rational mind took over.. lol...
The fried rice had yam, I can smell it! Anyways, as usual, nobody touched the fried rice as they're mostly full... The glutinous rice ball dessert, for the 1st time had to put 2 balls into a bowl.. Normally it is one..
Seems like if I'm super hungry, everything smells great... xD
Yumi later told me that because of someone who could not make it on monday, she ask me to replace him lo...
Then was called by this guy to stack chairs... The chairs in the store were stacked yes.. But not high enough, only 8-9 per stack... We then had to move chairs and kept the chais at heights of 14-15 chairs... After stacking like until the 6th stack felt droplets dripping onto my clothes.. Then found out this chair stacking thing is machiam gym, can exercise... Did countless repetitions and in general, exercised...
Shiok sia.. Got to exercise..
Minivan-ed home and at the lifr lobby, saw some people come out of the lift.. Thought to myself during the lift ride: " Scarly this lift gt problem.. Aiya won't de la...] At the 9th floor, the lify doors opened, an inch... I was like I DUN WANNA BE STUCK HERE! Pressed bell a few times, and after some bashing of the lift, it finally worked and broght me to 5th floor.. Climbed for the rest...
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