Monday, June 2, 2008

Parallel Patterns, Painful Plagiarism Power

Studied for the MIEC in school while huiyock go take his Electricity module de CT.. The moment I penned down the last words, he tapped me on the shoulder.

"pro, the 2nd question O level question sio"

whipped out the paper.

points to me the question.

before i could react, he reacted.


I laughed.. Dam bad i know but its been always this pattern, but never has it been so bad. It consists of 10 of the total 50marks of the CT.

Secondary school exams has always seen him committing one or two careless mistakes that cost him a grade or two. But never this bad. He didn't bother to check.. lol..

He hopes that the examiner will give him lots of error carried forward marks, cox 4 of the 5 parts of the qn is linked...

Went home, wanted to print FMM for tmr.. Saw my plagiarism score. Blinked, see it again. Rubbed, see again.. its an amazing 45% sio...

I will get a ZERO when i exceed 20%... Guess I done myself in... Used the planner resource to facilitate in answering the questions, never did I imagine I facilitate for my failure as well..

Painful feeling... Safeassign, you. are. too. good.   Just took a little here and there and voila! Fail and an egg.. Tastes bad though...

Shall have to do it by my own next time... Jus anyhow BOMB..

Now back to my books... * buries self in books to forget bad feeling *

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