Friday, June 13, 2008

My Day! My Day!

Thanks to the bball coach, today is my day, friday the 13th.. Alvin even remembered and say hi today is your day on msn... -.-

Anyways, to sidetrack a little due to the uploading of pictures.. I gotta do some work..

Went to JP there de library and met up with Rais to do the MIEC newspaper article pairwork..

I don't think my group is progressin' alot on the ITR/FMM one, which i think we are headin' for the wrong way.. 学习如逆水行舟,不进则退。 I think this sentence applies to our projects too...

Went to Wilson's house and played mahjong with Huiyock and LimWee.. Even though the bets were from 10 cents, i lost $6 and that was oredy discounted... I SHALL NOT GAMBLE AGAIN... AHHHHHHHHH...

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