But ive found out recently that it means somemore things to me..
MC = MisCommunication
Well communication is vital in surviving in poly, or a cca, or in this world, this cut-throat society, this race where we're all rats racing for something where its actually nothing..
Communication is how we talk, or sign, or any other sign of communication, and making the other party UNDERSTAND what message we're putting across...
This MC arises usually because of another MC, MisConception.. Well maybe thats why i misunderstand and get misunderstood.. I speak soft sometimes, eh no, is mumble. I misintepret others' messages.. Which is not a good thing...
When problems arises, its not about the "correct" or "wrong" content, but its actually the same idea misunderstood [or so i think] And forgetting communication altogether has definitely caused some mistakes in my life, or even the whole of human history, even though i cant think of any examples yet that affects the history.. Well maybe its something like Legends and Myths where the same story is filtered down from the original boring one, to the end product, an outrageous one that people have come to believe. [How can all the blood of a BOY which is only about 5 litres, cover a hill? wont the blood seep into the ground?]
Anyways communicating effectively is a lifeskill, which im still learning.. Well the universe just throws lessons at us, in PERFECT order. And we will NEVER run out of lessons.. Thats the cold, hard truth people, if you dont learn this lesson, it will repeat... Doesnt mean that you have a crap boss and you move to Britain and you will meet better boss... NO! You will still meet a crap boss cox you havent learn the lesson yet... *inserts evil laughter look*
And My Happiness Depends On What I DECIDE to notice! Notice the good points in people, you will feel more comfortable and maybe at peace...
Well it seems obvious that i have derailed from the initial topic.. Well I dont care! Because you know why? Everything in LIFE is very intricately and strangely interconnected!
Will post more of these kind of wordy posts... Hope to upgrade to Chinese kind in the future! [I don't want to lose my roots!]
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