Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rainbow Girl. - Pics

Pics credits to Shenn! More can be found @ her blog! xD

2-2'05! [I was not there cox chionged back to bacomm, actl the pics where i was nt there was cox i chionged back to bacomm.. Missed alot of stuffs... DDD:]
With Ian, Hidir, Leonie, Jane [in red specs] and Shenn!

[l-r] Ryon, Erik, Elton, Shenn and Jane.

One group photo [of some of us] we took during the interval.. We were like all so high then la.. xD

Azreen, the RAINBOW girl! xD

Afiq! Guest star. cox he is actl studying in TP now.. but participated out of goodwill I suppose.. Alot of goodwill.. Cox he's slapped like countless times during rehearsals and the loud, tight, resounding slap from last night is soo.. ouch.. You go man!

Anw, to digress abit, Shenn's using the same model of camera as xx.. lol..

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