Hey so this is the picture post [im sure you've figured it out depending on the lagginess of loading rite?] very disappointed with that day's performance.. cox lighting was poor all the way and i hum to use flash... *couldnt differentiate wads public and private* xDD haii..
Anw, i reached SICEC [Suntec International Conventions & Exhibitions Centre] at around 0915hrs.. 30min before the scheduled 0945hrs.. Was listening to ELT and reading The Straits Times and was oblivious to the surroundings so like got a little (shock?) when Ms. Ong approached me..
she said there were a few others eating breakfast at Citylink Mall.. To think i starved all the way there on the bus cox i couldnt get a seat so that i could get a bite.. -.-
As time approached nearer and nearer to the scheduled hour, more and more people appeared.. But there were still a few latecomers.. *facepalm*
To think Ms. Ong emphasized its a hosted tour and we shld give those people some face.. -.-"

Ultrazoom at work again.. Some people whom have arrived..
Some of my classmates.. from left Wendy, WeiWei, XianQing [the tall figure] and Fathin.
Bored to tears.. Then took this..
And this.
[Insert own caption]
Can you tell i'm damn bored?
Strong lights? No. Don't be tricked by the looks...
Class pic again.. lol
See? Dam blur.. at 1/13 sec framespeed, my highly unstable arms will produce such images...
In the pic are from left, Reuben, Marcus and Alvin..
The tiles is a part of Australia.. The tiles actually forms a picture of the world map..
The hosts incharge of guiding us around the centre..
One of the booklets given to us.. [2 per class only.. tsktsk]
Pic of TR22.. not tt gd lor.. here of course cant see la.. wait till u see it in actual resolution..
Boredom at it again [cox the escalator is wols]
Boredommmmmm xDD
We start from the top.. on the 6th level..
Blur faces..
The one on the left is w/o flash, on the right is with flash.. w/o flash is brighter and blurrer and the one with flash is the exact opposite, dimmer and clearer.. The main difference btw 6th and 4th floor halls is that 6th floor's hall is pillarless, 4th floor's has pillars..
Ms. Ong taking a picture of us while we're descending.. Managed to snap a shot before she snapped ours. xD
See? There's pillars on the 4th floor convention hall..
Down to the 3rd floor..
The 2 hosts bringing us... [cox 100 is too large a grp..]
The i-forgot-what-it-is-called area.. Taken up by Sony in IT shows..
The foyer of the meeting rooms.. dam blur..
The carpet pattern..
AV connecting things.. [my EL is bad..]
One of the meeting rooms.
With flash.
The foyer, with the buffet tables..
The theatre..
With flash..
The 2 groups managed to "clash" with each other.. Us going down while the other going up.. So we sat down and they explained to us the nitty gritty details of the theatre..
The glass panels are where 12 translators can sit..
Nice decor, bad picture..
Rm 208.
Nice conference table.. The room is self sufficient.. It has its own pantry, toilet etc..
The pantry area.. The glasses are covered by some cloth..
Wah nice couch..
The interior of the pantry
I conveniently aimed and Ivy and she conveniently posed for the camera and i got this shot. How convenient.
the carpet pattern of the ballroom foyer
The carpet of the ballroom
One of three ballrooms... All can be opened up to one big ballroom that can hold at most 110 tables... Not so nice lor.. I like RC's better.. Have the huge chandelier on the high ceiling..
AV control area..
Blur flowers
Blurrer foyer
End of tour.. Other classes..
Finally for our class to take a class pic!
[cox jus now other classes took before the start, and some of our classmates went to buy something to eat/drink and when they were back, the tour is about to start, nevertheless, we still got our grp pic!]
Had lunch at the foodcourt near the fountain.. While walking towards the surface saw TR02..
they celebrating their classmate's birthday.. He's wearing the burger king's king cap [or smth]
picture took by their friendly service crew.. i jus took candid shots... xD
Another snap.. with zoom..
This with more zoom.. [they are still taking their grp pic..]
Went to Kbox to find Joanna, Leanne, Wendy, Xijin, Sinying and Jianling
We went in for 10 min to watch and hear them sing..
After being chased out politely, we went to submit our group post for the MIEC qn to the forum.. We're the first! So proud.. xD
Sent on a bench outside Build a Bear Workshop with the ever existant [in shopping centres] Wireless@SG.
Took a train to Somerset and went to HMV.. Bought ELT's 10th anniversary special concert DVD [guilty, elated, shiok all rolled into one]
Went to Stibicks [Starbucks's in Xianqing's language..]
Weiwei's White chocolate drink..
My milk panda empty wrapping.. [when i first whipped this out, xianqin's eyes saw food, not milk flavour.. Until she popped one into her mouth and weiwei said its milk flavour then she like "What!? Milk?! OMGGGG!? ok maybe im exaggerating.. mayb] xD
Blurred Xianqing

Blurred Reuben and Weiwei.
Blurred Weiwei and Marcus
Then went to catch:
Its a great movie lah.. I don't mind watching it again lor... The moves were great!
Its an action flick with some tragedy and comedy thrown in for good measure and at the right times too! I wonder how many takes she took just to bounce the chocolates which look like smarties from her hand to her other arm into her mouth.. Imagine the other moves.. No wonder it took 4 years to complete this great movie! xD
After the movie, tagged along to window shop with them and then took 143 home..
At the stop where commonwealth secondary's side is, I saw a magnificent sight.. Layers of clouds, with the clourful hues of the setting sun, made such a breathtaking view.. It has red, yellow, orange, blue, indigo and violet..
Wow! I tot.. But I REGRET not getting off the bus to snap that.. cox i tot tt i could take tt at my stop there.. I was sooo sooo wrong.. The layers of clouds were above me then..
Lesson learnt: When I see something, stop everything and take that shot, because it will not come again.. Not so easy.. D:
To fill up my emptiness, took some plain shots of the clouds.. Not so vibrant in colour than the painting of the sky i saw with my eyes...
Went home and after I had my dinner, rushed to watch:
Its great la.. Jus that Kaori's voice then was not so good.. Her voice is healed now.. Too bad I cant go to their concert in Japan..