Thursday, January 31, 2008

Start of a film.. (hopefully!)

Today I'm supposed to meet Constance and CCA frens for the making of some kind of controversial film that i agreed to help in.. And, all of them whom agreed to come had some excuse for not turning up, so it was the both of us to the McD..

tv antennae, only possible with 18x zoom! xD

Bought CFO xtra value meal, she bought fillet student meal and we started to discuss/talk.. Yea..

This fries is SOO salty!! see the salt crystals?
My deathnote + her erm bdae keychain? lol

I agree to the ideas but, BUT, there's no storyline and my brain just cant organize such ideas into a documentry, much less a docu-drama.. Haiz.. so now must wait till they hav a script, or at least a storyline before i can think about location and such....

Hope something good comes out fast and i don't want history to repeat itself like my previous attempts at making a film... Hopefully.

Went home at arnd 6.30pm, 3hrs of solid talking... xD

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Today went to boonlay control station to wait for WeeHao cox we r goin for this job interview at Ritz Carlton Millenia...
Walked around marina square and millenia walk.. got lost and kena splashed by some wayer from a fountain cox it was very windy and the water from the fountain was somehow deflected...
Then we took pictures of it..
1st, failed attempt. cox white on white.
2nd attempt
3rd attempt
me with fountain (weehao din put his pic) =(
Reached there, then was told to go by the loading bay... then we exchanged pass wif IC/student pass.. Went to their office guided by a waiter, and were passed a form to fill up.

Was told that had to wait abt one hour cox they had a coporate event by citibank, whose office is beside the hotel, and a notice on the wall states that we were usually hav to wait for one hour..
So, after abt 2hrs (1.30pm), i called Daniel who was working there abt our intv thing.. he said they having lunch hr till 2pm.... but after waiting for 3 1/2 hrs (3pm), we were FINALLY approached by a 'co-ordinator' wich is wad they call for manager ba... he just told us abt grooming, wad to do, not to do, then we were asked to go liao.. just took him abt 3 1/2 minutes.....

Stupid sia...

then went to food court in marina square for our lunch, i had lemon chicken rice and tau suan, weehao had lemon chicken rice and sugarcane drink..

Went to suntec to walk arnd after dat, tried the ipod touch.. Wah nice to use sehh, but too ex.. then walked past a shop selling cosplay stuff and saw the actual size death note!!
bought immediately on impulse, and also cox ive eyed this for very long but dunno where got sel....

went home after dat...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Er... don't you sell bak kut prawn noodles?

Today went to work to film the 2nd part of eps9 & 10, we went to the indonesian bbq(ep10) there first, it was quite easy to control the crowd but must use dialect to talk to some of the old folks... The judges just commented that the taste of the sauce were not inside the chicken.... So the chicken and the sauce are actually separate..

Then went to Tampines round market to save a stall selling BBQ stingray, 'hum' and prawn... At first i could not find the stall, then i saw some boards showing this BBQ stuff below a signboard:

Lee Kee Bak Kut Prawn Noodles

Nice one. Then i found out that he sells prawn noodles in the morning, then afternoon, put on the BBQ signboard and sells BBQ stuff..... lol

then producer gotta shoot a 'link' and went to a colleague's home, cox its nearby and its raining, i stayed on location to help finish some shots, then its off to the bus to wait for the others to finish..
Then i slept till the loud voices of the producer and hosts shook me up, then went back to sleep till MCS.. hai, dam tired

Monday, January 28, 2008

Its an lol day...

show title

I'm in a "God dammit why did those ppl pass him, why did he get 28/30 and his food isnt that good also.." kind of mood..

[ Pictures taken by yingying, zhengning, gary and me. but yingying and zhengning are the ones whom take the most pics.. xD]

the crowd

I helped to set this up!!
zhengning and cousin
the hosts
his NEW signboard (sponsored by MCS of course)
grilled salmon, chicken cutlet don, miso soup

For Gary, YingYing and ZhengNing, you all should know what i'm talking about..
It's the japanese food ep's 试吃大会.. It was quite difficult for cameramen to film there cox of the crowd, and a lunatic din make it better.... well.. according to Gary, the salmon was alright, but the fried chicken was tasteless and rice not sticky.. But some other ppl's comments were the rice were too wet....

But I think the tide changed for him wen his baby came out.. Our crew were already mesmerised by him, what abt 30 other ppl? I was doing sai kang all day and for the voting segment, the hawker got an AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE, 28/30!!!!

i was holding two of the four banners and was like WTF when Gary voted for him and was (cant describe by any language man has invented) wen he got 28/30................................
lol, maybe im biased.. ok im biased.

but i dun wan him to win....... Haiz.. Life is surely unpredictable..
me holding banner
zhengning and yingying.
Then went to Amoy St Food Ctr for 试吃大会 oso.. Well, nothing much really, still sai kang, crowd ctrl, buy drinks, etc. Then for this one is special kind of voting: take the muffin= one vote, but luckily some ppl got liang xin, in the end she got 25/30.. Took some muffins (with permission of course!) and went back to MCS to blog this...
Dammit, he better get worse buisness and see him taking his signboard down.. Mua-hahahahahahahaha~~! Im bad... lol -.-

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Finally made my choice..

Today was supposed to meet with weehao, huiyock, lim wee, jiuhua and yanqing. We were supposed to meet at 11am, i reached jurong west library at arnd 10.45am, then the others were all late.... lol got to a spot and sat down, talked about wad course to choose etc. huiyock said he will put psychology on his 1st choice, i dunno whether he will do this.. ( i dun think so..)
bad photos...
better.. a little

Then ent to kopitiam to eat the food was crap la, so ex yet so nan chi... Then walked arnd jp and went to Gary's hse to upload ytd photos and apply for jae.. Tmr going to be a hard day man... 2 shi chi da hui in a day, worse, zhengning, yingying and gary will get to see how clumsy i am........ lol.... die le la.....

-___________-" im in a 'tmr will be pwn big time in front of my frenz' kind of mood...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

SOY '08

Give some comments for photos pls...... lol
Today went in the morning to meet Gary, then went to Clementi to eat McD.. Wasted my fries and drink cox the bus arrived... Arrived at Ngee Ann Poly and said hi to Sawatari and friends..
ppl filming
gathering outside Cheers...
Sawatari & ice cream
Picture taken by Gary. And the person was NOT posing.
Walked over to the student plaza there and met Gary's other cosplay friends.. Followed them to Cheers to buy some tidbits.... Proceeded to canteen 1 cox some others wanted to eat, and they all bought western food... Haiz, was so bored took out my papers to read, then played with my rubik's 4x4.
Taken by me.. Not really good.
Then went to the engineering blocks de LT 26.. Wah many ppl sia.. Saw a Ryuk and other characters which i dunno.. They had a break for judges to discuss and we had photo galore! Took pictures for many ppl and then got bored and passed camera to Gary to use..

Taken with 18x zoom..
I'm here.

I cant seem to rotate my pics and save them in photobucket....

Gary called me to ell me that he saw ZhengNing, after searching high and low and calling a few times, she finally picked up the phone.. Very lol lo, she was jus about 20-30m in front of me, we talked and then she went to take her pictures lo...

Here onwards, taken by Gary.
Gintama (blue hair) and dunno

Here onwards, taken by me.....
I think that's why they situated SOY so deep into NP

Blk 24
Din go into the LT to watch the results thingy, was too tired and so went to LT 28, which was open to the cosplayers and had air-con and played with Sawatari's NDS..

After the event..
Someone taking picture of a dolfie.
Hows this?

Underexposed i guess.
After that, went to meet Gary and then he tried to learn the Haruhi's signature dance with another guy, then other team mates from his team joined in the fun... They were enjoying themselves (i think) but Gary cant get the timing cox music too fast.. I think i will also be liddat if i was him....

The tcher. the others started to learn cox he went into a self induced trance/dance with the music from his cellphone, then ppl ask him to teach lo....

Look at their focused looks..

Gary gaved up....

But he tried again!!! xD
Then i suggested using the music from my phone cox i have and my phone's speaker is waaaayyyy louder than the tcher's....

Left two 'disciples' the other were too tired...
Then i went home while Gary went to eat with his friends..

What dam course to choose man!? Meet with Weehao and frens tmr to discuss.. (I know its our future we r discussing abt, but we can give each other suggestions de ma rite?)